
広島大学教育学部卒業。 読書・昼寝・ゲーム・カードゲームなどを趣味とする。 RIP SLYMEが好き。宮部みゆき・東野圭吾・星新一・夏目漱石・小川洋子が好き。 最近数学・宇宙論・翻訳などに興味がある。 アニメ・声優オタ


五文型をすべて取り入れた ショートショート(落とし噺)




単語 smile, bicycle, theobromine, genius

文法 五文型すべて

系統 ショートショート(落とし噺)

The boy believed and remembered every word that his parents told him.  He even memorized everything.  He was a genius.  At the age of five, he was already smart enough to enter universities.  He never forgot courtesy; he started every conversation with "How are you?", because his parents instructed him to do so.  He loved learning.  He smiled happily when he discovered something new, making people around him eager to share knowledge.  

Once, a man gave him a chocolate bar, telling him that dogs shouldn't eat chocolate due to theobromine, he smiled and ate it happily. The next day, the boy told the man that theobromine is volatile and obtained from cacao seeds, smiling even more happily.  This made the man so astonished that he didn't realize a bicycle coming toward him.  The bicycle collided with the man, leaving him in agony.  The boy came to him and cheerfully asked, "How are you?" with a huge smile on his face.





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