
広島大学教育学部卒業。 読書・昼寝・ゲーム・カードゲームなどを趣味とする。 RIP SLYMEが好き。宮部みゆき・東野圭吾・星新一・夏目漱石・小川洋子が好き。 最近数学・宇宙論・翻訳などに興味がある。 アニメ・声優オタ


難単語を用いて エッセイ




単語 factor, ability, dedicate, environment

文法 特になし

系統 特になし

トリック とにかく難しそうな単語を使って

Excellency cannot be attained in a single day.  Human life would prove inadequate for achieving extraordinary talent. It is more hereditary than acquired, that is, the essential factor for outstanding capability lies in the ability to dedicate oneself to a specific pursuit.  The environment in which one is born and raised plays a significant role in enhancing this dedication.

In retrospect, my family circumstances were disastrous, which is a crucial factor influencing why I am writing this seemingly nonsensical essay.



自らの語彙の少なさに打ちひしがれました。今回は、chat gptに添削をしてもらった結果です。自力で書いたのは、以下の英文です。もちろん、単語をたくさん調べました。

Excellency cannot be attained in a single day. Human life would still be inadiquet for achieving the talent. It is more hereditary than acquired, that is, the essential factor to the outstanding capability is represented by the ability to dedicate on a certain matter, with the environment where those were born and raised to enhance the dedication. In retrospect, my family circumstance was disasterous, which was the crucial reason why I am writing nonsensical essay like this.

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